Sunday, August 30, 2009

Still Life (Annie Haslam album)

Still Life (Annie Haslam album) was a solo album from Annie Haslam, who had previously been the vocalist in the 1970s English prog rock band Renaissance. Still Life was released in 1985. According to Wikipedia, the album sold well. I'm glad for it.

Here's a video of the title track. It's good for relaxing and being contemplative and wondering what life might be like if you lived near a majestic mountain or by a reflective body of water or in a canoe. Still. That's what life would be like. It would be a still life. Now I get it. I just had to think it through.

But there are many other ways to live the still life. Sitting alongside a bowl of fruit. Or sleeping. Sleeping is still life. Or sitting in a chair without moving. Still life. Waiting at a traffic light too. Or staring at clouds. Or at a person with a deformity. Or at someone you love. These are all ways to live the still life.

And in the end, we die. And death is the ultimate still life.

Or is it?

Chicken wings still life.
Photo: thatcanadiangirl via Flickr (CC)

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