Monday, August 17, 2009

Babylon 5: The Gathering

Babylon 5: The Gathering was the pilot episode for the Babylon 5 television series.

It aired on February 22, 1993. This was my dad's birthday. I don't remember how we celebrated that night, but I do know that it wasn't by watching Babylon 5: The Gathering. I imagine we went out to dinner. Maybe to a movie. Maybe we went to Chuck E. Cheese.

It was also George Washington's birthday. George Washington turned 261 that day. It's amazing he lived that long. When your face is printed on the dollar bill, you never die. Just like Wilford Brimley in Cocoon. Wilford Brimley reminds me of George Washington. Do you think consumers would spend more or less money if Wilford Brimley were on the dollar bill?

Speaking of the dollar bill, look what I learned today: what I learned today.

Washington has mixed feelings about Babylon 5: The Gathering.
Photo: SqueakyMarmot via Flickr (CC)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how Wilford Brimley's presence on the dollar bill would affect spending. He gets under my skin a little when he pronounces diabetes as "dia-beet-is" (in those commercials for diabetic testing supplies). If you're unfamiliar you can check him out on youtube. There are several spoof reels on him. I think "Wilford Brimley - The Beetis" and "Rock me Diabeetus" are my favorites.
