Friday, September 11, 2009

Edward L. Keenan

Edward L. Keenan is a history professor at Harvard University. His focus is medieval Russia, especially the cultural and political history of Muscovy (1400 to 1600), as well as Ivan IV and Semen Shakhovskoi.

That guy's name is Semen. Can you believe that? Apparently, Semen was a Russian prince in the early 17th century. Can you imagine the abuse this guy must have taken in the schoolyard?

As for Professor Keenan, his claim to fame is his argument that many of the texts normally associated with the Russian medieval period are actually forgeries. This has totally shaken my impression of Russian history texts. While we're on the subject, one of my favorite songs of all time is about Russian history. And, as I've mentioned in Wikibloogia before, my Grandpa Eddie was born in Russia.

Russia will always have a special place in my heart.

Do not call him Semen.
Photo: Yury Cortés via Flickr (CC)

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