Wednesday, September 9, 2009


CKXU-FM is a Canadian radio station. It's a college radio station, broadcasting from the University of Lethbridge in Lethbridge. Canadian radio is just like any other radio except it is run by Canadians.

If you would like to listen live to CKXU while you read this Wikibloogia, you might be able to do so here: radio station. Or maybe it won't work. I don't know. I don't really understand the internet.

I like Canada. I like the Canadians I've known. I like the Canadian flag. I like the Canadian national anthem. I like Canadian geese. I like Canadian bacon.

In Canada they eat something called poutine. It is french fries with gravy and cheese curds. It's delicious. I also once went to a delicious Chinese buffet outside Toronto. Canada is among the most delicious countries in North America.

I like Canadian wind.
Photo: jacob earl via Flickr (CC)