Friday, September 4, 2009

Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women

Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women campaigned for higher education for women in Scotland until 1892, when Scottish universities started admitting women. It is also the longest Wikibloogia title to date.

I always admire people, or groups of people, who fight for rights. I'm glad I have them. My rights. I think about it fairly often. Rights are weird. It's a bit unclear where they come from. I guess in the United States they come from that piece of paper those guys wrote on with quill pens. Which is great. Those guys seemed smart and noble. On the other hand, each of those guys was once a baby. We base our entire society on the decisions of a few grown-up babies.

Rights are slow-coming for so many groups of people. It always takes so many decades for the majority to acknowledge that a certain group has a certain right, and then those certain rights are granted to that certain group, and then it's on to the next long battle for the next rights. Why does it have to take so long? Can't we just skip to the end?

The Founding Fathers quickly realized they'd have to write smaller to fit it.
Photo: roberthuffstutter via Flickr (CC)

1 comment:

  1. sometimes i think you should just do a blog of image captions, but then there would be no paragraphs of anticipatory build-up! keep up the good work.
