Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The Everglades are subtropical wetlands in Florida. I like Florida.

Wikipedia has all kinds of interesting things to say about the Everglades. Once, people wanted to drain the Everglades. Then I think people wanted to save them. When I think of the Everglades I think of alligators.

Right now as I write this I'm eating cheese.

This would make me poop my pants again.
Photo: Bill Swindaman via Flickr (CC)


  1. aaah!! that girl has Footgina Syndrome, quite possibly the most embarrassing of the female reproductive syndromes.

  2. omg and my word verification was "cimityli" which is the 2nd most embarrassing.

  3. Dear Amber and KK,

    I saw that Footgina too. Hot. Thanks for noticing.

    As for the cheese, I have no idea. It came from my mom's refrigerator and was something soft and unlabeled and not quite brie. I put cracker under it.



  4. "That girl's got human-toe!" was my first thought, but I guess footgina works.
    My second thought was, "What kind of cheese?", but KK beat me to it. I would ask what kind of cracker, but, honestly, I'm more interested in the cheese.

  5. remember that plane that crashed in the everglades?

    that's all i had to say about this post. nothing vadge-related.

    my word verification is indessed.
