Friday, November 6, 2009

Lagro Township, Wabash County, Indiana

Lagro Township, Wabash County, Indiana is a township in Indiana.

In the year 2000, its population was 3,158.

There are seven cemeteries in Lagro Township. One of them is called Independent Order of Odd Fellows. I want to be buried there when I die.

Have you heard of the Odd Fellows? I hadn't. But now I have. I think it might be famous, but not to me. Can things be famous to one person but not famous to another? I think so. To me, I'm the most famous person in the world.

Odd Fellows is a fraternal organization.

Stop before Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Photo: Usonian via Flickr (CC)


  1. can we call our apartment the Odd Fellows' Home?

  2. @schoolpants, thats what i refer to it as, yall might as well join in :)
