Thursday, October 15, 2009


Gankyil is a Tibetan Buddhist symbol. It is reminiscent of the yin-yang symbol, but the Gankyil has three elements instead of just two. See a Gankyil for yourself: here.

Three is a very special number. There are three elements of the holy trinity. It takes three legs to make a table stand. There were three bears. Three blind mice. Three wise men. Three little pigs. We each have three arms, three legs, three eyes. There are three days in a week, three weeks in a month, three months in a year.

Three is the magic number. One of my favorite songs.

There are three lemurs.
Photo: Tambako the Jaguar via Flickr (CC)


  1. Hmmmm...I had never seen this before. What exactly are the three elements represented? Or am I missing the point? Oh, right "three." Like Britney Spears' new song, "3."

  2. Dear Casey.

    It's clear that both you and Britney Spears are in tune with the universe.


