Friday, October 2, 2009

Dungeon Lords

Dungeon Lords is a fantasy computer role-playing game. It was released in 2005.

The initial release of the game was met with great anger by the gaming community, because of its many bugs and problems. Items would disappear from inventories, key quests would fail, and doors wouldn't work. Many gamers complained that the game should never have been released.

But to me, that's just life. Sometimes items disappear from my inventory. Sometimes key quests fail. Sometimes doors don't work. That's just the way life is. You don't see me blaming video game companies.

I blame God.

This man's door doesn't work.
Photo: Jeff the Trojan via Flickr (CC)

1 comment:

  1. haha you got an inherently funny article today! and then you made it funnier. this is why they let you have a blog, my friend!
