Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feedlot Alley

Feedlot Alley is the nickname of an area in Alberta, Canada, where more than 500,000 cattle and 180,000 hogs live. That's a lot of livestock.

Apparently, the area around Feedlot Alley has some of the highest rates of gastrointestinal illness in the entire province of Alberta. The theory is that the waste from such huge numbers of livestock contaminates the local water supply, making the humans in the area sick.

So here's how it breaks down:

The local humans sit down to eat bacon cheeseburgers washed down by tall glasses of water. Little do they know that their water is filled with microscopic bits of cow poo and pig pee. They innocently drink the water with the cow poo and pig pee, and they eat the ground cow topped with sliced pig. Then all that ground cow and sliced pig and cow poo and pig pee mixes up in the humans' stomachs, and about ten minutes later, all the humans go poo and pee it all back into a toilet. It's the circle of life.

She'll give you diarrhea without thinking twice.
Photo: ILIKEITSIMPLE via Flickr (CC)


  1. Its no longer 500,000 cattle its now up to 2.3 Mil and thus making Alberta Responsible for producing 60% of all Canadian beef

  2. where does the figure 2.3 million come from? is it a provincial government figure?

    1. dumb bitch leave our industry alone were all farmers in alberat u know
