Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mandy Aftel

Mandy Aftel has written three books about natural perfume and founded the Natural Perfumers Guild in 2002. Mandy advocates the use of natural ingredients in perfumes, and she has lectured on natural perfumes and aromas at various institutions all over the world. She also smells great.

According to Wikipedia, her most renowned book, Essence and Alchemy: A Book of Perfume, has been translated into seven languages. The book earned Mandy a top honor from the Sense of Smell Institute, whose website includes fun facts delivered by a giant nose.

I am similar to Professor Nosetradamus, as the site's cartoon nose is called; we both have larger-than-average noses. He and I aren't exactly the same, however; his nostril is also his mouth.

Smell canisters are not natural.
Photo: dogwelder via Flickr (CC)

1 comment:

  1. I hear she also enjoys creating, writing, and updating her own wikipedia page.
