Thursday, July 9, 2009

Alexandra Bastedo

Alexandra Bastedo is a British actress best-known for her role as a super-powered secret agent in a TV series called The Champions. According to Wikipedia, "Bastedo was regarded as one of the most beautiful actresses of the 1960s."

Alexandra loves animals. She even went so far as to write a book called Beware Dobermanns, Donkeys and Ducks. She cares for many, many animals in her home.

In my life I have cared for four animals: one beta fish, two goldfish, and a Siberian dwarf hamster named Mario. I named him Mario because I'd recently gotten Nintendo. At night, Mario would spend hours banging at the metal cover of the little sanctuary at the top of his cage. I loved Mario, but I could never shake the feeling that he was miserable.

She's still pretty hot.
Photo: JohnBurke via Flickr (CC)


  1. i used to have a boyfriend named Mario

  2. I had 2 hamsters. One, Ziggy because he had a zig-zag mark on his back. The other, Bubbles because he had a giant caboose. I never really felt badly for them because they got to tool all around the house in their plastic bubbles (I wished I had one) and then there was the time that they pushed on the roof of their cage, chewed threw the dryer vent, and escaped to the recesses of the basement. I think each lived as full a life as can be expected of a hamster. I feel badly for Mario, though. It sounds like he might have benefited from having a friend to help him escape.

  3. Dear Gina,

    My two goldfish were named Zig and Zag. That's how they swam.

    Dear AnnaBanAnna,

    Was he a Siberian dwarf hamster alive in the early 90s?



  4. A little backstory about Mario the Siberian Dwarf Hamster. Mario escaped from his cage in the summer of 1991. He was never seen again. Adam's parents had a squeaky dryer in their basement and everytime the dryer was on Adam would think was trapped in there. I think he even paused a game of Lakers vs. Celtics to check a few years later.

  5. I love this story. I hope Adam's taking notes. I think the misadventure of Mario, the Siberian Dwarf Hamster, would make an awesome children's book.
