Indian Blood (play) is a play that premiered in 2006. But what's crazy is that Wikipedia says it starred Charles Socarides as Eddie. When I was a youth I went to summer camp with a
Charles Socarides (then known as Chuck Socarides) who is currently an actor in New York. "It must be him," I thought.
But when I clicked on
his name in the Wikipedia article, it took me to a different Charles Socarides. I was disappointed. But I quickly realized that sometimes Wikipedia is dumb. This Charles Socarides died before the play premiered, so it's highly unlikely that he starred in it. Plus, this Charles Socarides wasn't an actor, but was actually a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, physician, educator and author who believed that homosexuality could be altered. I don't like this Charles Socarides. I prefer my summer camp Charles Socaridies.
In conclusion, it's funny that I clicked to an article about a play starring someone I went to summer camp with as a child.
It's a small Wikipedia.
Indian Schedule.Photo: Eddie~S via Flickr (CC)